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What makes Scarisbrick Hall School unique?

What makes Scarisbrick Hall School unique?

Scarisbrick Hall School is an award-winning independent day school in Lancashire renowned for its nurturing and progressive school environment. We go above and beyond to provide a holistic learning environment, both inside and outside the classroom, to equip our pupils with all the tools they need to maximise their potential. Here, we give you an insight into just some of the standout features that make our independent school so unique.

RIVER learning philosophy

As one of the leading independent schools in Lancashire and the UK, we pride ourselves on our unique RIVER learning philosophy. This holistic and progressive approach is designed to encourage resilience, independence, values, exploration and reflection amongst our pupils.

RIVER learning gives our students the best possible chance of reaching their full potential, equipping them with the tools they need to enjoy a happy and successful life. Both in terms of a lifelong love of learning and honing their own unique sense of identity.

Number one Sixth Form in the North

Our unique Sixth Form is a shining example of how the RIVER learning philosophy translates into well-rounded students. Not only are we recognised as the number one Sixth Form in the North of England, but we are also recognised as the top 10 nationally for progress and value added.

We are also among the few independent schools rated 100% excellent by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Our pre-university environment also gives pupils the skills, knowledge and guidance they need to move smoothly into a higher education setting.

Beyond the Classroom

At Scarisbrick Hall, co-curricular activities support our philosophy of RIVER learning and aim to extend, enrich and excite all of our pupils across every section of the school. As a school we recognise that every child is different and through these activities we aim to encourage them to find areas that they are passionate about and to experience a strong sense of teamwork.

“Co-curricular activities are an essential part of our education at Scarisbrick Hall School and we strongly believe that the activities play an essential role in the wellbeing and holistic development of the pupils in our care.” Jeff Shaw, Headmaster.


Our Tutoring, Coaching, Mentoring (TCM) supports both the internal and external provision of Scarisbrick Hall School by providing professional standard sessions through elite level coaches and tutors.

Our TCM staff includes:

  • Rebekah Airey – Netball coach – Current Manchester Thunder Superleague player
  • Adam Jackson – Rugby Coach – Former professional rugby player.
  • Paul Arnold – Rugby Coach – Former professional rugby player.
  • Lionel Djagba – Football coach – Previous experience playing and coaching in Liverpool academy.
  • Nathan Quirk – Football coach – Previous experience training with Liverpool’s first team and coaching at Liverpool and Manchester City academy.

These coaches immerse a child into both individual or small group sessions in sports, performing arts and tutoring. These sessions allow children to develop their passion through high quality coaching/teaching.

TCM also supports Scarisbrick Hall in Sport and Performing arts curriculum delivery. This allows all children at Scarisbrick Hall a fantastic opportunity to learn from professional players, coaches and teachers within their field.

The Global Classroom

A truly unique element of life at Scarisbrick School is our charity and education movement, The Global Classroom. Delivered in partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and supported by UNICEF, The Global Classroom is the largest digital classroom in the world.

It provides our students and thousands more around the world with the opportunity to take part in aspirational events attended by some of the most influential leaders in their fields, including Bear Grylls and Denise Lewis OBE.

As you can see, Scarisbrick Hall School richly deserves its reputation as one of the most unique and innovative independent schools in Lancashire and the wider United Kingdom.

Everything that we do is geared up towards providing the most nurturing and progressive school environment possible to give our pupils outstanding opportunities to learn and develop, as well as forging lifelong friendships.

For more information, please contact us on 01704 841151 or email enquiries@scarisbrickhallschool.co.uk.